
We support people who have left the Gloriavale Christian Community, to enable them to become independent and to integrate into local communities. This involves support in practical, financial, spiritual, emotional and educational matters.

Here's How We Can Help Leavers

Our Services

Advice & Help
We aim to support Gloriavale leavers by providing them with timely advice and practical help on how to set up life in their new communities. This will include, but not be limited to, working with IRD, WINZ, and banks, helping with job searching, and finding appropriate clothing & housing.
Social Services
We liaise with a range of existing social service agencies to ensure Gloriavale leavers are not disadvantaged through lack of information, funds or experience. This will include, but not be limited to, organising budgeting courses, parenting & marriage advice, career & educational advice, legal advice & guidance, and accessing funds for counselling and poverty relief.
Financial Support
We are assisting Gloriavale leavers with financial support, including but not limited to emergency assistance, costs for setting up a household or other costs associated with becoming an independent & contributing member of their local communities.
Providing a friendship/visiting service for leavers who settle in the South Canterbury region, (and in other regions where practical), to help establish and encourage their involvement in their local community and churches.

Meet the Staff

The Gloriavale Leavers’ Trust employs 4-part time staff to deliver the Trust’s Aims. It’s a growing work which aims to help provide love and care for the leavers in their journey to independence.

Trust Manager - Liz Gregory

Liz is the Manager of the Trust and leads a dedicated team ensuring leavers receive necessary support post-commune life. With a passion for aiding leavers, Liz utilises her talents and connections to secure improved opportunities for them. Drawing from her experience as a teacher and business owner and driven by her Christian faith, Liz’s active and engagement with leavers, supporters, volunteers, and external agencies reflects her commitment to making a positive impact. Liz is an “ideas girl” and has the energy and drive to make a difference in people’s lives one at a time.
Caro Bunting

Office Admin - Carolyn Bunting

Caro’s main task is to ensure the smooth operations of the office and admin tasks and to help everyone keep on top of the workload. But she contributes more than just admin skills to the team. She is a woman with initiative, creativity and energy. She has a pastoral heart and develops effective and caring relationships with leavers. To top it off, Caro is a connector, bringing leavers and social services together to ensure people get the help they require.
Janina Kitchen

Admin Support - Janina Kitchen

Janina is a valuable team member, bringing a diverse range of skills to the Trust. She will be working with Gloriavale leavers and advocacy groups to ensure they are being well represented. Janina’s past profession as a NZ Police Detective involved working with high level and serious offending. Her experience includes communicating effectively with victims, offenders, courts, Women’s Refuge, CYPS (now Oranga Tamariki), the Serious Fraud Office and more. Janina has also worked in various other roles – e.g. with Statistics NZ, the Electoral Commission and Farming. Currently she and her husband own a lifestyle block and run an Agricultural Engineering business. She has also been involved in many small community groups and has a strong Christian faith which guides her.
Bronwyn Kempf

Bronwyn Kempf - Support Worker/Volunteer Coordinator

Bronwyn Kempf is a key player in the establishment of the Trust – but she likes to stay in the background! Bronwyn ministers quietly and effectively to the leavers, showing them love and grace. Her gentle nature and practical skills are valued by everyone she meets. She is like a mum and grandma to many of the leavers, helping to lovingly guide them in this unfamiliar world, and nourishing them spiritually. Bronwyn and her family have had many Gloriavale leavers through their home, and she really understands and loves them. Bronwyn is a gift to the world 🙂 She is employed for a few hours a week to help with the smooth running of the Trust and its various operations, including working with fundraising and volunteers. She has initiative and works hard to ensure Liz stays on track!

Tony Bunting - Mentor/Counsellor/Pastoral Care

Tony Bunting has bundles of energy and many giftings that make him perfect for this contract role! His experience as a counsellor at Timaru Boys High School for over 20 years and his ability to communicate with young and old in an effective manner makes him well-loved by Gloriavale leavers. He has an infectious personality that makes you want to tackle the world with a smile. Tony mentors and counsels in creative ways – it might be while on a bike ride, or while cutting someone’s hair. He may also be the person who arrives on your doorstep with a trailer to help you move house. His passion for life is fueled by his faith.

Meet the Trustees

The Trustees are committed to the welfare of Gloriavale Leavers and in providing a solid vision moving forwards. Many of the Trustees live in South Canterbury and are personally involved in the lives of ex-members on a day-to-day basis. They come with a range of skills which enables them to direct the activities of the Trust and oversee the employment of the staff. All trustees are involved in local churches.
Please note that you can contact the Trustees directly using the details below, or get in touch through our Contact page.
Al Aitken

Alan Aitken

Alan is a Christchurch-based Management Consultant specialising in not-for-profit organisations. He has founded, built, developed, and advised organisations at local, regional, and national levels. His diverse work portfolio has included youth agencies, churches, preschools, mental health, prisoner rehabilitation, social work, and counselling services. Added to that is wide-ranging governance experience across community groups, social services, and secondary education.
Rosie and Eli
Secretary (Rosanna)

Elijah & Rosanna Overcomer

Rosanna & Elijah Overcomer were born and raised in Gloriavale, leaving in 2013 with their 3 young children (they now have 6 children). They manage a dairy farm near Fairlie, and have a range of other business ventures, including tree planting. They have been active in resettling leavers and offering them employment opportunities. They are a dynamic couple who desire to uphold truth and justice, and to show love.

Graham & Liz Gregory

Liz spent seven years as a teacher and then went on to found and run an award-winning retail business for another decade. Graham runs his own web design business and serves in his local church. Together they have a comprehensive and unique insight into the challenges that former Gloriavale residents face in integrating into everyday New Zealand. Liz provides day-to-day leadership for the work of the trust.
Bron and Rene

Rene & Bron Kempf

Rene and Bronwyn run Timaru Bluestone, and their stone building products have been incorporated into private homes and public buildings throughout New Zealand and beyond. They are deeply passionate about their local community which has shown itself in extensive sports, church, and school governance. They are very involved in the lives of those who have left Gloriavale.