RNZ: Ex-members welcome Employment Court ruling over ‘dangerous’ Gloriavale work

RNZ: Ex-members welcome Employment Court ruling over ‘dangerous’ Gloriavale work

By Jean Edwards | RNZ |

Three members of the reclusive Gloriavale Christian community working long hours from the age of six were employees, the Employment Court has ruled.

The landmark decision about the “strenuous, difficult and sometimes dangerous” work done by children is likely to have significant ramifications for the community on the South Island’s West Coast.

One of the young men who brought the case, Daniel Pilgrim, said he was ecstatic about the “mind-blowing” decision.

“Voices in there that have been silenced for so many years, their voices are finally being heard and there’s some legal recognition. Something’s happening, it’s amazing,” Pilgrim said.

In February the court heard evidence about working conditions at Gloriavale, in a case brought by Pilgrim, Hosea Courage and Levi Courage, who sought a declaration they were employees, not volunteers.

Further reading and video link: Ex-members welcome Employment Court ruling over ‘dangerous’ Gloriavale work