Youth event lined up

Youth event lined up

| Greymouth Star | Ariana Stewart |

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David Ready escaped Gloriavale. Twins, Tane Mahuta and Te Akaraupo Heke Pakeha, are survivors of family violence. Pania Tepaiho-Marsh started hunting for her own mental health and now leads hunting excursions for women in need.

They are just three of the many key speakers who will be sharing their stories at the upcoming free for youth event Real Talk Mo Nga Rangatahi, coming to Greymouth later in the month.

Sensitive subjects around suicide, mental health, sexual and physical abuse, discrimination, addiction, gangs and teen pregnancy are just some of will be explored at Real Talk.

Career and business aspirations, death and grief, and relationship breakdowns are also topics that will be broached at the youthcentred event.

TikToker and advocate for te reo M-ori revitalisation, Pairama Wright, also joins the stage to tell his story alongside Te Kura Huia, Paris Brown, Ngarino Te Waati, Oceana Olsen and MC Kiino Krystal.

After for years of travelling up and down the country, Real Talk will be held in Greymouth for the first time.

Host and co-founder Tania Carr will also tell her story at the event, from growing up in a traumatic home environment to one day managing companies worth millions of dollars.

She said that growing up she had been taught to keep the abuse she both witnessed and suffered a secret so as not to bring whakama (shame) on the family.

“I didn’t want to keep secrets, it’s about breaking the cycle.”

For her, Real Talk is a tool to show young people that there is power in being vulnerable and telling your story.

“We just want our rangatahi (youth) to know they matter and that they’re special and that this is all for them.”

Those who go along to the event can expect some great prizes including clothing and other merchandise, jewellery from M-ori businesses and taonga. There will also be kai (food) and refreshments on site. The event is free for young people between the ages of 14 and 25yrs and for youth service providers, teachers or anyone else working with young people. Those wanting to take part can register ahead of the event so organisers have an idea of how many to cater for.

Real Talk will be held on Saturday, May 25 at the Regent Theatre in Greymouth from 11am to 3pm.

To register, head to: tickets.