RNZ: Gloriavale Leavers Trust manager reacts to court ruling

RNZ: Gloriavale Leavers Trust manager reacts to court ruling

| RNZ  | Checkpoint |

It’s clear ready access to child labour is a significant factor in the commercial success of the Gloriavale Christian community, according to the Chief Employment Court judge.

Judge Christina Inglis found that three former members of the community were employees, working long hours from the age of six, carrying out strenuous, difficult and sometimes dangerous duties.

That’s despite Gloriavale claiming they were doing chores or work required by their parents or part of schooling.

The leavers reported doing 3am milking as six or seven-year-olds.

Liz Gregory is manager of the Gloriavale Leavers Trust, which supports people who choose to leave the Christian Commune. She talks to Lisa Owen.

Audio link: RNZ: Gloriavale Leavers Trust manager reacts to court ruling