Let’s Talk Gloriavale

This page is where you can do some deep diving into Gloriavale. Find out more about Gloriavale and their beliefs, history, the legal cases and investigations Gloriavale is involved in, Survivor Reflections, Books about Gloriavale, the Daily Vale Blog about Gloriavale, Podcasts mentioning Gloriavale, Long-form Journalism and Academic Research on Gloriavale, and a whole hub where you can watch longform TV shows about Gloriavale (Documentaries & Film), and finally an In the News sections which is filled with hundreds of News articles and TV clips on Gloriavale.

Understanding Gloriavale

Understanding Gloriavale

Learn about the Gloriavale Community, and what makes it distinctive.
Legal & Investigations

Legal & Investigations

Find out about the past and current investigations and court cases
Survivor Reflections

Survivor Reflections

Meet the people who have left Gloriavale and hear their stories
Books about Gloriavale

Books about Gloriavale

Read books about Gloriavale by leavers and others
Blogs about Gloriavale

Blogs about Gloriavale

Read the Daily Vale and other blogs about Gloriavale
Podcasts about Gloriavale

Podcasts about Gloriavale

Listen in to Cult Chat and other podcasts that deep dive into Gloriavale
Journalism and Research

Journalism and Research

Read journalistic articles and academic research about Gloriavale


Watch Longform TV Docos and Films about Gloriavale
Media and News

Media and News

Media Hub of news articles and short news video clips