Gloriavale Wins Permission to Seek Appeal

: Gloriavale was given permission to appeal the Pilgrim decision on two points of law if they choose to: a) Did the respondents work for hire or reward within the meaning of s 6(1)(a) of the Employment Relations Act 2000; and b) If not, were they volunteers for the purposes of…

Who is the Employer Judgment

: The judge rules the Overseeing Shepherd and the people who fulfill that role are the employers. She states the current Overseeing Shepherd is the “ultimate controlling force within the Community” and he takes on any responsibilities and liabilities of any preceding Overseeing Shepherd. Read the judgment here.…

Gloriavale Seeks Leave to Appeal Decision

: Gloriavale seeks permission to appeal the Employment Court decision.  They list multitudes of reasons – including prejudicial information was admitted, the ruling will impact the community, a breach of natural justice occurred, issues with the expert witness process etc. The plaintiffs responded to media.…

Girls’ Court Case Ruling

: Chief Judge Christina Inglis ruled that each of the six plaintiffs was an employee from the time they started work on the teams (age 6-8) until the time they left the community, and that they are entitled to costs. Click here to read the Judgement.…

Gloriavale Survey

: Gloriavale surveys its members in a most extraordinary fashion, and calls for more witnesses to “protect the Community”.  The survey hits the media and causes a big stir among people who have left Gloriavale.…