Letter: The next abuse apology will be for Gloriavale

Letter: The next abuse apology will be for Gloriavale

| NZ Herald | D. J. Gates |

What about the abuse at Gloriavale?

The Government’s recent Abuse in Care apology rings hollow to those in Gloriavale who continue to live under a regime that enforces misogyny, deliberately entraps its young in the remote central West Coast, miseducates its people and is facing a crisis among its young, with few – if any – life partners for those under 18.

Gloriavale is an anachronism that cries out for government intervention.

The plight of particularly the women and children within Gloriavale has been documented for over three decades, yet in all that time nothing meaningful has been done by either bureaucrats or politicians to prevent the ongoing harm.

Instead of empty rhetoric, the Government needs to take action – now.

I foresee another apology by the Prime Minister of the time in 30 years to the people of Gloriavale.

But in the meantime they, including more than 300 children, continue to suffer needlessly